
Lydia First Birthday Invite & Design 2015

Lydia First Birthday Invite & Design 20152 Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 11.29.00 PM Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 11.29.14 PM

Happy Birthday to our cute and spunky firecracker girl!

Where in the world did the last 365 days go!? Kind of ironic how the first month seemed to go by SO terribly slow, yet the last 11 months totally FLEW by! We’ve definitely learned a lot together so today we’re not only celebrating Lydia’s first year of life but Cam and I are also celebrating our first year of parenthood–which is kind of a BIG DEAL! haha A friend asked me the other day if we thought “Lydia” fit her and I couldn’t help but think, “Well, sort of!” I imagined this dark-haired, petite and proper little girl (granted, we’ve only known her for a year!) that would fit the name “Lydia” so perfectly (ya know, like Lydia Steed on The Work and the Glory). But, as I’ve learned more than ever before in the past year, life just doesn’t go as imagined! She came 9 days past due (thank you, Independence Day!) and was accompanied by a whirl of emotions and severe depression/anxiety for me that was never imagined. She’s like “95th-percentile chunky” and fiery. She’s light-haired and fair. She’s a yeller, head-banger, chatterbox, and so, so silly. She’s been formula-fed (unplanned) and refused to crawl before walking. She’s THE most patient, sweetest girl ever and is teaching me to also be patient and attentive (I also never imagined those coming so slow to me). And, that’s our darling “Lydi bug” and she is the cutest thing we could’ve ever imagined. She makes our world go round and we could’ve never imagined loving anything as much as we love her! Life is good with her around–Happy Birthday Lydia “firecracker” Schroeder!

It was only fitting to have a “Hungry Caterpillar” for our ALWAYS hungry girl! I can just imagine her being that girl in Elementary asking everyone, “Are you gonna finish that!?”

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