BUMPDATE: 11/12 Weeks: 1st Ultrasound!

BUMPDATE: Our baby is the size of a large plum (so we thought), but after our first doctor’s appointment this week our due date was moved up 5 days due to the size of the little munchkin (June 25, 2014) so I’m really 12 weeks along!!! Our baby is really the size of a PEACH (I thought I felt my belly getting bigger!)

Best moment this week? Hands down the Dr’s visit!!! My thoughts and feelings about it below..
“Ought Oh” pregnancy moment? Well, we ran into a friend at the Hospital as we sat and waited for the nurse to call us back–BUSTED! I told Cam if we saw anybody there was no way out of it so we’d just have to tell them not to tell!! About 2 minutes later, Heidi Shaw walked by, so she’s the first to know (other than my hygienist)!! 🙂
Movement? Not yet! But, our little one was sure wiggly on the ultrasound screen!!
Showing? I sure feel like it!
Food Cravings? A Hamburger after dance (the day of my ultrasound)!
Sickness? Still very lethargic, tired, acidy stomach, water making me cringe (even just the thought!), and burp stuck in my throat! Yuck!
What I’m looking forward to: Finally seeing our little one at our first Doctor’s office–he likes to do his visits in between 10-12 weeks and it’s been KILLING me to wait!!! It’s Monday and I am hoping Thursday 2:00pm comes quick enough! Hoping everything looks great and hoping we can hear the heartbeat (maybe that will make it finally feel real!?)
And, for the moment I waited FOREVER (it felt like) for….
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Best day ever! Talk about the most surreal, weird, exciting, scary, and all together happy experience it was to look over at the ultrasound screen and see this little thing wiggling and knowing it’s coming from inside you!!! I’m still amazed! I can’t wait to meet this little one, but I don’t think it’s hit me quite yet! I was praying so hard that everything would look normal, and it did–heart rate 173 BPM which the Dr. said was great, and length of the baby looked more far along so he moved our due date up to the 25th of June!!  It was unreal and I’m so glad Cam was able to be there by my side the whole time (I was beyond nervous–pain and needles make me want to cry just thinking about and he kept assuring that it would be okay!). Thankfully, the ultrasound was not painful like I’d expected and getting my blood work done was doable. Cam reached over and grabbed my hand once the ultrasound started and we first saw our little baby on the screen! We asked the Dr. all our questions and were very pleased with his calm and well collected personality. We told him we didn’t want to find out the gender and he told us to remind him the following appointment. But, once we started the ultrasound he said that when the heart rate (fast) and Chinese calendar match, he’s usually been right with the gender–and both say it’ll be a girl! He even pointed to whatever they see (I still don’t understand how they can tell what’s what on an ultrasound pic!) and said, “Girl?” but assured us he didn’t know for sure and wouldn’t be able to tell–Cam spoke up about not wanting to find out the next time and he felt bad for saying anything at all (he probably does this soooo much that he totally forgot!). I’m almost set it’s a girl, but then there’s that maybe always too! I was sooooo excited to finally “meet” this little babe inside me–crazy how wiggly he or she was on the screen though I can’t feel a thing! We left the office a little more amazed than walking in and headed down to the cafeteria for a late lunch. Oh, and yes, video we did the whole time!! 🙂

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